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COVID-19 and Cancer

COVID-19 Vaccine and Cancer

If you were concerned about if the vaccine will interact with your cancer treatments, the message from Te Aho o Te Kahu (Cancer Control Agency) is "that there is not currently any evidence to suggest that the COVID-19 vaccine interacts with cancer treatments. Decisions around timing of the vaccine are about maximising how effective the vaccine is, rather than concerns around how it will interact with cancer treatments."  Download the information PDF here

Your first point-of-call for your NETs or other health related issues, is still the specialist healthcare professionals you would normally contact. If your specialist is not able to assist, and you have something NETs related that you wish to discuss, get in touch with either Avril or Lesley.


Look after yourself

The impact of COVID-19 and the lockdown restrictions on those in our NET community may leave you, and those around you feeling additional stress, anxiety and emotionally vulnerable. We want to remind you to be gentle with yourself and others, and take the time to engage in all the things that you would normally do to keep yourself well, both physically and mentally. Regular exercise, getting a daily dose of fresh air, eating well and connecting with others is so important for you and those in your bubble right now. If you wish to connect with other Unicorns in our Facebook Group, click here to join and post your question, joke, favourite recipe, game or comment to get a conversation started :) 

Below are some information links to resources that you might find relevant. Please note; some of the sites that have come from international sources may provide information that is not suitable for New Zealanders.

Be safe and kia kaha!

COVID-19 and Cancer Information and Resources

Helpful Apps - Support for your wellbeing


General COVID-19 Information

Disclaimer: The information regarding COVID-19 that is provided on this website is a collection of resources from New Zealand and international sources that Neuroendocrine Cancer NZ deem appropriate. NCNZ will not take any responsibility for inaccuracies in information. If you require specific information or advice to your NETs, please seek assistance from your specialist centre. 

Supporting patients and whānau living with neuroendocrine cancers

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