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Peer Support Catch-Ups

Online Kōrero & Catch-Ups


Hosted online by our Information and Support Manager, Avril, this is a great way to connect with those who can provide support, advice, comfort and understanding about similar things that you might be experiencing.


A safe place to raise issues, ask questions and provide your opinions on whatever the topic of conversation might be. All welcome!

Korero & Catch Up 
Tuesday 03 September, 6:30pm

Click here to join: KORERO & CATCH UP

Meeting ID: 884 6364 4925
Passcode: UNICORN


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In-Person Peer Support Catch-Ups

Our meetings are for NET patients and support people to meet in a relaxed, comfortable and safe environment. Catch-ups are organised by volunteers who are patients and support people themselves, usually at a local cafe or in an informal setting so you can come and go as you wish. It's not a group sharing type meeting, its purely talking or listening one-on-one with others. Patients tell us how much better they feel just quietly talking to someone else who understands and may be having a similar experience as you. 

Upcoming catch-ups are listed below and in our Neuroendocrince Cancer NZ Patient group on Facebook.


Date: Sunday 8th September 
Time: 11am 
Venue: Kings Garden Cafe, St Lukes. Corner St Lukes Road and Asquith Ave

Please RSVP by email to: Lynne O'Connor,


Date: Thursday 12th September
Time: 4pm
Venue: Speights Ale House, Tower Junction

Please RSVP by 09th September to Lisa, 

or by text 021455391


Date: Saturday 12th October
Time: 1pm - 3pm 
Venue: Ironic Cafe, 9 Anzac Ave Dunedin

Please RSVP by 7 October to Margaret 

or by text 027 3899 757

We are looking for volunteer facilitators to help organise these informal meetings in your town or city. This involves selecting a suitable date and venue, making a booking and being the point-of-contact for anyone attending. NECNZ will promote the catch-up and provide support for you along the way. Are you interested?  E-mail us for more information about what is involved. 

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Neuroendocrine Cancer New Zealand is a registered charity CC49802

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