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Let's NET Together for NET Cancer Day

Let's NET Together Banner (2).png

NET Cancer Day is held every year on the10th of November, created to increase awareness of Neuroendocrine (NET) cancers and to provide a voice to the global NET community for improved diagnostics, treatments, information, care and research.

"Let's NET Together" is your very own awareness lunch, pot-luck dinner, afternoon tea, picnic, BBQ or other type of gathering of your choice. It aims to draw attention to neuroendocrine cancer on NET Cancer Day amongst your friends and whānau. Donations will help NECNZ continue our work in advocacy, research, education and patient support.  

  • When?  The weekend of 9-10 November, at a time that suits you 

  • Where? At your home, in a park, workplace, club or other suitable location

  • Why?  Awareness & education amongst your own friends and whānau. Neuroendocrine tumours can vastly differ from person to person and your personal story will be very important to those in your tight and wider circle.  


Steps to hosting your NET Together:


Decide on when, where and how you will host your NET Together, who you'll invite and what your get-together involves. ​


Whether it by text, phone call, email or social media – invite those you want to attend. Use the social media tile or invitation template to create your own personalised invite that you can send out to your guests. 


During your NET Together, allocate some time to share the goal of NET Cancer Day & what it means to you. Share your story, what neuroendocrine cancer is, and where they can learn more about NETs. Print flyers to share or order information booklets that we can send to you to have available for your guests.


If appropriate, politely ask for donations. NECNZ is a small charity driven by the needs of our patient community. You could:

  • Collect koha/donations from your guests or share the QR code with them to donate directly 

  • Put together a raffle of items donated by local businesses that your guests can buy tickets for. Donate the proceeds to NECNZ

  • Hold a bingo/quiz/game night and ask guests to make a donation to play. 

  • Set up a personal fundraising page for your event to collect online donations. (We can help with this!)

Every dollar counts and will help NECNZ continue our work in advocacy, research, education and patient support. 

Take photos and share:

Share posts about your get-together to raise awareness. 

Please send photos in either by email to or tag us on social media. 


  • On Facebook:  @neuroendocrinecancernz 

  • On Instagram:  @neuroenocrinecancer_nz

  • Hashtags on either:  #neuroendocrinecancernz  #letsnettogether #letstalkaboutnets #netcancerday 


Host resources:

Invitation template


Koha card


Fact Sheets

(INCA website)





Social tiles: 

(Right click to save images)

Let's NET Together Square Social_Host.jpg
Social Tiles
Let's NET Together Donate QR Code.png
Let's NET Together (Banner).jpg

For any enquiries about your NET Together, donations or information booklets, please email

Thank you for your support in raising awareness

Thanks to INCA, we have these resources that you are welcome to download and share. 

NET Cancer Day Resources 2023


Tag @neuroendocrinecancernz and @netcancerday in your posts

Use campaign hashtags: #NETCancerDay #LetsTalkAboutNETs


    Download a NET Info factsheet from the Global NET Patient Information Pack and send it to healthcare professionals you know  


Download the NET Cancer Day Ribbon and use it as your profile picture across your socials

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For more information and links to resources, visit
With thanks to the International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance (INCA) for their support and for providing these shareable resources. 

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Neuroendocrine Cancer New Zealand is a registered charity CC49802

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